Keyword which pay more money from Google adsense


Dear reader If you want to get more money for your adsense account you must use the following keywords often in your posts. Theses are keyword which create good income for people from $2 to $10.
1. Mom gift ideas
2. romantic gift ideas
3. personlized gift ideas
4. corporate gift ideas STAR FIND - $4.01
5. gift ideas for dad
6. gift ideas for mom
7. gifts for mothers
8. valentines day gift ideas
9. gift baskets for him STAR FIND - $4.35
10. valentine gift ideas
11. mobile phones
12. cellular phone
13. best mobile phone
14. perpaid cell phones STAR FIND - $5.01
15. new mobile phone
16. cell phone battery
17. mobile phone plans STAR FIND - $6.16
18. cell phone offers BEST STAR FIND! - $9.97
19. latest mobile phones STAR FIND - $5.94
20. cheap cellular phones STAR FIND - $4.19
21. travel bargains
22. internet bargains
23. computer bargains
24. airfare bargains
25. tv bargains
26. car bargains
27. bargain cruises
28. last mintue cruise bargains STAR FIND - $4.31
29. discount deals
30. special offers
31. jewelry shopping STAR FIND - $4.23
32. web shopping STAR FIND - $5.56
33. computer shopping
34. television shopping STAR FIND - $4.82
35. grocery shopping online
36. shopping statistics
37. gem shopping STAR FIND - $4.96
38. shopping card
39. internet shopping
40. secure shopping STAR FIND - $4.44
41. business strategy
42. business planning STAR FIND - $5.34
43. business plan STAR FIND - $4.01
44. starting your own business STAR FIND - $5.79
45. business writing
46. starting a cleaning business
47. starting an internet business
48. starting a small business STAR FIND - $6.26
49. business technology STAR FIND - $8.03
50. busines strategies STAR FIND - $4.48


Parwati said...

Ya I totally agree with you. These are raelly high click rate.

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